I took part in the Worked All Germany this weekend when after a few hours I couldn´t turn my antenna any longer.
The rotator controll YAESU G-1000DXC was not illuminated any longer and the rotator stopped working.
So I opened the cabinet and started investigation starting from the 240V connector. Wiring and power switch where ok but it turned out that the primary winding of the transformer became an open circuit.
So I checked Dr. Web and found some hint at www.la1k.no. I contacted the german distributor WIMO and got instand feedback: the required transformer (KT-28-E-3) was on stock at 57€ plus 8€ shipping cost. Quite some price for the tiny transformer.
Before ordering I decided to spend 30 min for a more detailled investigation.
I removed the isolating layer at the primary winding of the transformer and checked the connection to the winding wires.

The little tiny part at the right bottom is a 50 cent non-resettable temperature fuse which broke. The type is AUPO A5-1A-F 135°.
The winding itself was all ok. So I took a new temperatur fuse, fixed it with some hot glue and but the transformer back in place.

If you might have similar problems don´t be afraid to open the transformer if you have some experience working with line voltage. Isolate all parts after the repair and save more than 60€ in part costs.
As you can see from my title foto the YAESU rotator whas for my multiplier yagi and luckily I had a second antenna available but guess what – also the second rotator had some problems during the antenna!
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